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Receiving webhook notifications on new Crashes, Issues and User Feedback
Receiving webhook notifications on new Crashes, Issues and User Feedback

When new Issues are filed, you can receive a notification

Jordi Giménez avatar
Written by Jordi Giménez
Updated over a week ago

Your webhook

In order to receive the notifications, you need to implement a web service that can receive an array of JSON documents in the following format:

  • id  (integer): ID of the issue

  • title (string): title of the issue

  • text (string): body of the issue. markdown format.

  • app (object): contains several fields, you might need name (string), the name of the application; and key (string), the app key

  • status (int): status of the issue. It will always be 0 (new), because the issue was just created

  • session (object): information about the server, most probably you don't need those

  • session_id (integer): ID of the session where this issue happened

Subscribing to notifications with the Dashboard

You can add a webhook to your application in the app Settings tab:

Subscribing to notifications with the API
In order to start receiving notifications, send a POST request to
The request needs OAuth 2 authentication.
In the request you should include a JSON object with the following fields:

  • target_url  (string): the URL of the service you created to receive notifications

  • event  (enum): one of: new_crash, new_issue_separate, new_user_feedback

  • app_id (integer): the application ID. You can get this ID by looking at the last number in the URL when you visit the application in Bugfender

For example:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer ******' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "target_url": "",
    "event": "new_crash",
    "app_id": 1234

Expect a 201 Created  HTTP response, with the following JSON document format:

  • id  (integer): the identifier of your webhook. Save this number in order to be able to unsubscribe

  • event (enum): the event you subscribed to

  • target_url (string): the URL you indicated for the webhook

  • app_id (string): the app ID you specified

For example:

    "id": 21,
    "event": "new_crash",
    "target_url": "",
    "app_id": 1234

The following errors can also occur:

  • 400 Bad Request: the request wasn't understood

  • 401 Unauthorized: no username/password supplied

  • 403 Forbidden: the username/password specified are not valid or permission denied (double-check the app_id )

Unsubscribing from notifications
In order to unsubscribe, you need to send a DELETE request to{hook_id}/. Replace {hook_id} with the identifier you got in the subscription process.
The request needs OAuth 2 authentication, just like the subscription one.
For example:

curl -X DELETE \ \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer *****' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json'

If all went well, expect a 200 OK response.

The following errors can also occur:

  • 401 Unauthorized: no username/password supplied

  • 403 Forbidden: the username/password specified are not valid or permission denied

  • 404 Not Found: the hook is not there (maybe you already deleted it?)

Webhook content

Webhooks will post an array of objects, depending on the type of webhook call:

For Crash/Issue/UserFeedback:

  • id (string)

  • uid (string) -- deprecated, use id instead

  • title (string)

  • text (string)

  • app (App object, see below)

  • type (enum: issue, crash, feedback)

  • status (enum: open, closed)

  • session (Session object, see below)

  • device (Device object, see below)

  • created_at (date-time)

  • self (url): URL to visit this object in the Bugfender dashboard

An App contains:

  • id (int64)

  • name (string)

  • created_at (date-time)

A Session object contains:

  • app_version (object, see below)

  • os_version (string)

  • language (string)

An AppVersion object contains:

  • version (string)

  • build (string)

A Device object contains:

  • udid (string) -- Bugfender identifier

  • name (string)

  • language (string)

  • user_data (object) -- user-defined key-value pairs

Webhook delivery

  • A webhook can contain more than one event in each call.

  • All events will be delivered at least once. It is possible that the same event is delivered more than once, for which case you can use the id field to detect duplicates if you need to.

  • If your endpoint fails to process a webhook, it will not be called again. You may combine webhooks with polling to catch events that you couldn't process in real-time.

  • If your endpoint fails for an extended period of time, it will be deactivated.

Troubleshooting your webhooks

If your webhook implementation does not work as expected, we recommend using a site such as or similar, to get a real-world example of a request made by Bugfender.

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